Saturday, July 12, 2008

Henry David Thoreau and the Blog

As I was posting an entry earlier this week, I noticed that with this week’s additions “One Poet’s Notes” has moved beyond 200 articles on the blog. At first, this may seem substantial; however, I also noted that Ron Silliman has posted his 2,000th entry today at his blog. Congratulations to Ron!

I want to take this opportunity to thank once again the readers of Valparaiso Poetry Review and “One Poet’s Notes” for their continuing support and encouragement. The audience for both has grown tremendously over the years. The numerous contributions by writers to Valparaiso Poetry Review and the responses to VPR or the blog in the many comments presented by readers have been greatly appreciated.

As I have mentioned previously, in a brief look at the recent issues, literary topics, news articles, poets, poems, and reviews included or discussed during the past 200 posts to “One Poet’s Notes,” I have been pleased to notice readers’ interest in a wide array of entries, measured by the site meter statistics of viewers’ entry pages and frequently visited items, as well as the most popular subjects sought by those entering the blog through web search engines.

Consequently, as a re-introduction and an invitation to new readers who would like to browse through those most visited pages of the past posts on “One Poet’s Notes,” I submit a list of the dozen most popular titles—twelve for July 12th—viewed (determined solely according to frequency figures) in the last year by users of “One Poet’s Notes” beyond the usual entry points of the blog’s main page or the most recently posted item:

1. Theodore Roethke: “My Papa’s Waltz”
2. John Ashbery: “Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror”
3. Bob Dylan’s Beginning
4. Frank O’Hara: “Having a Coke with You”
5. William Stafford: “Traveling through the Dark”
6. James Dickey: “The Firebombing”
7. Galway Kinnell: A Question of Life or Death
8. James Wright: “Autumn Begins in Martins Ferry Ohio”
9. Derek Walcott: Sixty Years of Poetry
10. Charles Wright: SCAR TISSUE
11. Larry Levis: Passion Matters

In addition, today (July 12) marks Henry David Thoreau’s birthday, born in 1817. When one reads through Thoreau’s many volumes of journals, he seems to serve as an excellent early example for any blog writer. Therefore, on this day I offer a couple of brief quotations from his writings about reading books that appear appropriate to a literary blog:

Books must be read as deliberately and deservedly as they are written.

Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations.

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