Monday, August 4, 2008

Listening to Louis Armstrong

If it hadn’t been for him, there wouldn’t have been none of us. —Dizzy Gillespie

You know you can’t play anything on a horn that Louis hasn’t played. —Miles Davis

There is no jazz musician regardless of instrument and no jazz singer today that does not owe their first debt of gratitude to Louis Armstrong. —Gene Krupa

There has been no jazz musician so widely, deeply, durably influential as Louis. And no trumpet player who could do all he could do on the horn. —Nat Hentoff

Armstrong left behind an enduring and endearing artistic legacy, marked by a world-embracing warmth and a universality that transcended musical genres and national boundaries. —Ted Gioia

A musical treat on this day as we listen and remember Louis Armstrong, born August 4, 1901.

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