A bright haze held all afternoon as August’s
pervasive heat presented itself once again.
After weeks of warm weather, the summer
grass, that now had been tinged brown, stretched
like a tattered sleeve along an exposed bank
blown dry by wind: the yellow-veined palms
tossed softly forth with each breath of Gulf
current. Our skin already stung by sun, we sat
on a bench beneath those trees until evening.
With cool relief brought by each sea breeze,
we sighed in satisfaction. I know the words
we spoke mattered little, or so it seems: today,
only images linger—the red sunset flaming
beyond a flock of gulls, a bright streak of beach,
those bicycle paths unreeling along the shore,
a cargo-laden keel disappearing in the distance.
Soundless sights remain in my memory
like portraits of some season of loss—the last year
we’d experienced such an extended shortage
of rain, the summer you first felt your stunning
pain. Perhaps, I do not need much more
than those short glimpses yet kept as preservation.
Somehow, I will always remember that night—
how palm trees already were slipping to silver
under a cast of pale moonlight as a few full
sails still labored across the windswept bay.
—Edward Byrne
For those interested in reading the complete sequence of poetry in Tidal Air, I invite you to order a copy from Pecan Grove Press at the book’s publicity page on the publisher’s web site. In addition, since this weekend coincides with the U.S. Open Golf Championship, scheduled every year for the final round to fall on Father’s Day, watching the event once again evokes other more pleasant memories of those many fine times shared with my father on a golf course. Indeed, in a previous post at “One Poet’s Notes”—titled “Golfing with My Father” after a poem by W.D. Ehrhart that appeared in Valparaiso Poetry Review and is reprinted in the article—I have written in prose about assorted impressions of my father that are tied to the sport, and I recommend readers revisit that commentary as well.
What a nice poem,I enjoyed reading it :)
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